2009 – 2023
From ‘small orphanage’ to ‘big family’. In May 2009 we started looking after a group of 22 children living in Kathmandu, Nepal.
When we first met them they were living in desperate circumstances and in poor health.
​Over the years we have seen them thrive and grow into healthy, confident young people - because of the committed care of our supporters.
The next few years will be a time of change and great excitement. We need to give them experiences and skills for life.
Your support will give added security and enable them to complete their education or career training – to help themselves, their future families and their country; Nepal needs educated, skilled people.
Please consider helping this amazing endeavour. Become a Supporter and be part of something special - join us - start with a donation now.
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When we first met

A short while later - regular schooling